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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Shop & Style (with me!)


i used to shop a lot before. only because i didn't have enough long sleeved tops, maxis, and cardigans.
i thought i had enough clothes already
until the other day after clearing out my stuff and sold most of them at Churpout Bazaar the other day..

i realised
"maaaynnn!! baju aku ni banyak takleh pakai!! cis cis!"

why cannot wear?
1. jarang
2. senteng
3. quality tak bagus 
4. ketat

ye la.. masa baru berjinak pakai tudung ni, tak reti lagi concept tutup aurat. ingat nak melawa je. ngahaha =p

alhamdulillah now i understand my style, and i know what i need =)

so basically my style is SMART CASUAL.
means i take the smart, and put on casual. hahahah! =p
means pakai casual tapi still nampak ok la. nak gi klcc ke pavilion or any high end places tak rasa underdressed la. =)

why wear branded stuff when all the tags and brand names will be hidden anyway? 
(my shopping principle)
so here are my tips on buying clothes!
1. comfy - if it's not comfortable, i won't feel confident
2. can be layered without feeling heavy or hot (panas ye, bukan hot sexy tu ye)
3. looks simple and pleasant - i'm not so much of a loud patterned clothes coz i feel those kinds are easily out of trend.

i think tu je kot. hehe!
now, kalau ada sisters out there yang tanya "nape tak pilih baju yang cover aurat?"
my answer "because yang tutup aurat tak semestinya ikut syariat. better amik baju yang boleh dilayerkan." - sebab some baju yang long sleeve, maxi dresses, skirts etc etc, eventhough dia tutup aurat, tapi kalau ketat, menampakkan tubuh badan, still tak tutup aurat dgn sempurna. tu kira, tutup kulit je. =)

i tweeted about the clothes yesterday and ada orang tak percaya i beli baju kat tesco. hehe!!
camni k.
labeled clothes sometimes tak se-elok mana pun. but they sell at ridiculously high price. why?
workmanship? brand? cara stitching dia one of kind sangat ke sampai kena bayar ratus ratus?
to me, if it's worth the price, then ok. if i find a top yang cukup criteria (as stated above), i won't mind paying... after many many many considerations that is.
and like i said too, why buy branded clothes if no one cares about it anyway. for self-satisfaction? i tak satisfied kot kalau bayar mahal mahal pastu pakai sekali sekala sebab sayang sangat. hahaha! betul kannnn!

but i prefer quality. and at TESCO, i win! coz i get good quality, and i get good price!

here's the fun part. TESCO has been kind to me that they are allowing me to have a 

the first 15people yang BOLEH and CONFIRM MAU PERGI, drop me a comment and say 
"salam (kak) maria, saya *your name* ingin join anda di Tesco sabtu ni, in sha Allah!"
and and anndddd you will get RM100 voucher to shop for clothes at Tesco!!! weeeeeeeee!!!

it'll be an honour if you can join me, bring your sisters, your friends, the more the merrier! tapi 15 ppl je la dapat voucher. yang lain boleh join, takde hal =D

drop me a comment, and i will visit your blog and drop a comment there or if you takde blog, bagi your email k?

hope to see you this saturday, in sha Allah =D


No name said...

Salam, hye Maria, mcm best jer. I pun salu beli barang dkt Tesco Mutiara kadang, terbabas jugak rempat baju dia. I (Liz) nak join u lar. Boleh ke?

A & A said...


salam (kak) maria, saya Noraisma ingin join anda di Tesco sabtu ni, in sha Allah!

didie said...

salam maria, saya Didie ingin join anda di Tesco sabtu ni, in sha Allah!

dilakochan said...

salam maria, saya dilakochan ingin join anda di Tesco sabtu ni, in sha Allah!! :)))

Bella Harith.. said...

salam maria, saya bella ingin join anda di Tesco sabtu ni, in sha Allah!

ANR said...

Salam Kak Maria, saya Aqilah ingin Join anda di Tesco Sabtu ini, InshaAllah. :)

thanks ;))

yatee 'yosh' yakuza said...

salam kakmaria, saya yati ingin join anda di Tesco sabtu ni, in sha Allah!

email saya
sebab blog da tutup hhe

amal ismail said...

"salam (kak) maria, saya nurul ismail ingin join anda di Tesco sabtu ni, in sha Allah!" -

Mieraa Handayani said...

salam kak Maria, saya Amira Handayani ingin join anda di Tesco sabtu ni, in sha Allah ;)

Hope i'll get the voucher..Thanks :D

Huda@Hood said...

saya Nurul ingin join anda di Tesco sabtu ni, in sha Allah!


Huda@Hood said...

Eh, tertinggal Assalamualaikum! Ngeee...

Mya said...

salam maria, akak yang bernama MYA ini ingin join awak di Tesco sabtu ni, in sha Allah!"

TQ dear! :)

kimy507 said...
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husniyyah said...

salam maria, saya Husniyyah ingin join anda di Tesco sabtu ni, in sha Allah!!

Unknown said...

"salam kak maria, saya Aen Lee ingin join anda di Tesco sabtu ni, in sha Allah!

Ieqah Adzim said...

Salam Kak Maria Elena ! Saya Ieqah Adzim ingin join anda sabtu ni di Tesco Mutiara Damansara, insyaAllah :)

Dunker5 said...

salam to you maria..

Count me in

anak ayah said...

"salam kak maria, saya eyqa ingin join anda di Tesco sabtu ni, in sha Allah!"

mimpi di siang hari laa cik adek oii..
jauh tue nunnnnnnn cne sabah.
xde rezeki nk jmpe kakak gojes nie ='(

ummuilham said...

"salam (kak) maria, saya Nurul Afinie Ismail ingin join anda di Tesco sabtu ni, in sha Allah!"



elfarafishaa said...

"salam (kak) maria, saya Nawal ingin join anda di Tesco sabtu ni, in sha Allah!"

Here's my blog address and email . If there's still some place , i'd love to join you . Thank you :)

adeqmas90 said...

"salam kak maria, saya masliana ingin join anda di Tesco sabtu ni, in sha Allah!"

nurul said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
nurul said...

salam maria..mcm terhingin plak nak join.. :)
-nurul iwani-

raihansalleh said...

salam maria, saya farah raihan ingin join anda di Tesco sabtu ni, in sha Allah!

jane-is-not-her-name said...

Salam Sister,

Alya would love to join you and other sisters,however, I will be out of the country this weekend! waaaa...


ratna said...

Saya x bole nak join tp just wanna say i totally love your style. No need branded cloth..janji cantik..selesa & yg penting tutup aurat.

Farah's Pre Loved Items. said...

"salam (kak) maria, saya Farah Nofal ingin join anda di Tesco sabtu ni, in sha Allah!"

hyna.. said...

salam maria, saya nana ingin join anda di Tesco sabtu ni, in sha Allah! :)

Anonymous said...

"Salam Kak maria, saya Nur Insyirah ingin join anda di Tesco sabtu ni , in sha Allah!"

Yaya Mohd said...

wahh ohsem..yaya stju sgttt tuu...
wat pe la beli bju or other stuff yg mhal smpai rtus2 sdgkan bleh dpt yg better..lgi nice,good quality n moooreeee lesss...hehe

-yaya ade beli kasut harga 15 je..thn lame giler..tapi beli 1kasut ni, hrge bpuloh sekejp je pkai da pts..wuuu-

Twenty-first-Me said...

salam maria, saya Hanis ingin join anda di Tesco sabtu ni, in sha Allah! :)

Faten Nor Izzatie Binti Saleh said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
myraVea said...

"Salam Kak maria, saya myra ingin join anda di Tesco sabtu ni , in sha Allah!"

Sarah said...

salam maria, saya Sarah ingin join anda di Tesco sabtu ni, in sha Allah!

Erin - Ibu Qistina + Qaisara + Qamilia said...

Betul tu...baju2 kat Tesco semakin cantik design nye!

pstt...saya dah beli magazine 'Nur' ada Maria pakai baju pengantin!
very nice & sweet!!

Anith Fatin said...

salam (kak) maria, saya Ninit ingin join anda di Tesco sabtu ni, in sha Allah!

teheee (nak gak nak gak)

Shida Radzuan said...

alah shida jauh la plak maria huhuhu next time k :)

tp ape2 pun shida mmg suka gaya pnmpilan maria yg bsahaja :)

UmmiSyarni said...

mula2 tgk all the clothes igt kat FOS ke.rupanya TESCO jer.cantik jugak!nak join u dah terlepas kapal pulak :p

nauraharif said...

salam kak maria 'mariana', saya ummu ingin join anda di Tesco sabtu ni, in sha Allah!
*tapi macam dah terlepas je:(

Unknown said...

saya keje sane , jadi kita jupe lagi la ek...


seronok jupe akk...
haaa?? akak???

sharifah said...

Salam maria, sy sharifah ingin join anda di Tesco sabtu ni...memeriahkan suasana dan bershopping sikit... in sha Allah

anyway...bleh bagi maps ker? tesco ni 1 je kan kat situ..hee..tak familiar sgt area situ..

Kathy Rospin said...

now, kalau ada sisters out there yang tanya "nape tak pilih baju yang cover aurat?"
my answer "because yang tutup aurat tak semestinya ikut syariat. better amik baju yang boleh dilayerkan."

sejujurnya, saya x faham dengan statement tersebut. :)

balqisfz said...

"salam (kak) maria, saya balqis faiqah ingin join anda di Tesco sabtu ni, in sha Allah!"

kak, senornye next week aqis final dah. akak xde plan p tesco kepong ke sabtu depan plak? time tu cuti dah. heheheh.

Alia Syaza :) said...

assalamualaikum akak maghiaaa!
ada pertanyaan di sini,

what should i do if, this situation happen :

alia ada this shirt yg ok and longgar semua, but then dia singkat and tak tutup bahagian bawah badan.

boleh tak akak suggest kan apa yg patut alia buat utk cover bahagian belakang, nak beli baju baru duit tengah kering ni..

thanks akak!
#visit my blog kalau akak free

nabByla said...

i love ur style kak maria... ;)

haha bila akk ckp pasal 'smart casual' teringat pasal tajuk assgnmnt. street smart vs book smart. lau trkeluar psal smart casual. mmg tnya akk la jwbnya. HAHA!

didie said...

maria, thank u for the opportunity. we enjoyed today especially zidan heee heee

Dyra Sarun said...

ikr !! the other day masa i pergi tesco i was surprised to see so many beautiful clothes.even the guys punya clothes pun lawa sampai terbeli satu *oh well its not a crime right to wear guys' clothes* i ingatkan kat mana la ni,patut la rasa macam familiar je the word 'f&f' tu :)

Nisa Fuzi said...

kak zaitul ?
i know her.
hari tu kereta rosak dekat damansara dia yang tolong.
terkejut nampak muka kak zai. hihihi

Aina Syafiqah said...

Kak Maria Elena : Money please... kekeke~

qaisara said...

salam kak maria.. sy nk mtk pndapat ckt.. *sy budak baru belajar*.. blh x kak maria tlg beri cdangan what should/ should not to wear to office? sy baru nk melangkah ke alam pekerjaan *gittewwww*, tp sy x tau nk pakai ap utk ke interview or mungkin nti bile dah keje.. xnk la asek pakai baju kurung je memanjang kan.... harap kak maria yg stylo ni blh beri cadangan... terima kasih =)

rahmah_razali said...

"salam (kak) maria, saya rahmah razali ingin join anda di Tesco sabtu ni, in sha Allah!"

nak ikut!!!!..siyesly..wink2..

rahmah_razali said...

ohh dah x perasan tarikh..huhu

n.h.h said...

Assalamualaikum, kakak. Can u upload back all the pics in this post..

Moon said...

Shop & Style (with me!) is such a fun and catchy topic name! But when it comes to shopping for clothes, there are a few things I always keep in mind so I don’t end up with items I can’t wear. First, I avoid anything jarang (too sheer)—nobody wants an accidental peek-a-boo moment. Then there’s senteng (too short), which can make certain outfits feel awkward or uncomfortable. Quality tak bagus is another big no for me—poor-quality clothes just don’t last and often don’t look good either. And of course, anything ketat (too tight) is an instant pass; I need to breathe and move freely! Want to dive into more tips like these? See more related content.