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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Officially a Specialist

assalamualaikum! =)

recently i went to a crash course called T.O.P.S

Training Of Palestine Specialist.

since my last post (so you say you care), i memang couldn't let go of this issue.

here's a little flashback in case you didn't watch the video.

bombing in broad daylight. not once, not twice, but multiple times. and the bombs were dropped at residential areas, schools, and more..

this is Amira, and here's her story (cut short)

and here's a little girl calming the boy down coz he kept asking for his mum. and she called herself mum for that boy.

i don't know about you, but this little girl have more sense than i had ever had when i was a child. imagine them being your children. ='(
what now?
since my first time watching the video, i knew i had to do something. 
i had donated but it just didn't feel enough. 
then, Alhamdulillah, Pn Faridah of Aqsa Syarif invited me to this course and i was beyond excited. it was as if my prayers were answered! 
but of course, this was just the beginning. there're loads more to learn and i'm trying to grab as many opportunities as i can to help.

you see.
once upon a day, i was asked by an ustaz
"apakah nikmat yang anda dapat, tapi anda tak mintak?"
i had answered several like the ability to see, talk, touch, think, etc.. and then he added
"adakah awak mintak dilahirkan sebagai seorang islam? ada awak mintak dilahirkan di sini?"

Allah swt memang Maha Penyayang.
i have taken that nikmat for granted.
and now, i hope that you brothers and sisters (who are reading this) to please..
ucaplah Alhamdulillah.
alhamdulillah you're not the ones in the video!! alhamdulillah you're facebooking/twitting/watching movies with friends/reading this blog/etc!

and now, let's fulfil one of our responsibilities. not just as a muslim, but as a human being, to berjihad!
fight against our one clear enemy: Zionists.
but know this: Zionisme is an ideology, Judaism is a religion.

we are at war with Zionists!

i couldn't thank enough to Prof Madya Dr Hafidzi for sharing his vast knowledge tirelessly. he's such an inspiration! and of course, i thank Allah swt for providing me this opportunity.

now i'm an official Aqsa Syarif volunteer, i hope that i boleh istiqamah in this perjuangan.
and i really really hope that you're willing to help Palestinians, our fellow ummah.
i don't know if this small effort of mine is fruitful, but i have to try kan..

and this part here, is where you decide what you want to do:

to help
or ignore.

your choice.

Pray For Palestine
Palestine Will Be Free

to volunteer, go back to my previous post >HERE< where i have explained on which organisations you can join.
it doesn't cost much to be a volunteer. just your physical and mental strength.



Unknown said...

teruskan perjuangan Palestin !

AY said...

Wahh , ini lah namenyer jihad sebenar . Tidak propa semata-mata . Syabas kak maghia !

Amirah said...


keep it up sista ! palestine will be be free soon . amin

NyssaSaad said...

This post made ​​me shed tears ..
subhanallah..may Allah always guide us in the correct way..
Alhamdulillah..i was born as Islam and ..I will fight for Islam..:)

Kyra Ismera said...

may Allah heard our prayers ! make a doa and insyaallah..Allah will :)

Unknown said...


Habibah said...

congratz... alhamdulillah, i think u have change a lot after haji.. err. am i right?

monster_buncit said...

I hope I could join you :)

Unknown said...

Liya pernah dengar about this. Want to join them but I dont have stable financial yet.InsyaAllah one day. But my pray always for them.

muhamad hadhrami said...

Allah Maha Besar..

AieynaDaMontana said...

pray for them,,,palestine will be free one find day..insya-ALLAH

Ami Manaf said...

hope i can follow ur step one day...

Unknown said...

thats it..mgkin itu yg saya ptut buat jugak..even we always have prayers for them palestinians, its just not enough right..?we should do more..itu bumi pernah didiami nabi2 kita..bukan milik mereka..

saya ialah kamu said...

klau boleh ltak kn link video2 tu. TQ

ikinj said...

ya Allah, kejam nye mereka..bila la semua ni nak tamat..em,camne akak boleh jd volunteer..just wanna know how?

Sheherazade said...

i'm so proud of u!! :')

insyAllah xkan berhenti berdoa

NUR AYNIE said...

ya allah menangis baca post nie..:'( moga saya juga ada kekuatan mental untuk jadi volunteer.

Tsaqib Al-Hasawi said...

May Allah bless you sister.

Unknown said...

Saya doakan yang terbaik.. Semoga Allah melindungi mereka. :(

RIMA DANIA said...

walaupun kecil bantuan yg diberi..
kalau Allah tanya apa yg kita lakukan untuk saudara di sana.. sekurang2nya donation yg kita buat
adalah back up atas apa yang bakal dipersoalkan.. istiqamah

Aliff Haikal said...

Nak menangis !

akak , bantulah mereka :) bawa doa kami rakyat malaysia . sampaikan salam kepada mereka ye akak !

my name is hafizah said...

sedeynya tgk yg budak kecik tu. ape jadi kat dia sekarang.mst sakit gile kan. hum.. kejamnya

gomen no juliet said...

hati ni tersentuh dan terjaga oleh entry kamu..i'll join u..

Zharif Azis said...

so impress with you kak maria =')

wawa awa said...

i love this post ! masyaAllah !! Alhamdulillah.. we are free to do whatever we want.No booms No guns. Subhanallah!! may Allah safe them !! Palestinians,we are here ! dont you worry.fighting!

Islamic Inspirations said...


burst said...

pray the best for em'

::dAuZsHaNLeY:: said...

hes my lecturer in upm =)

fenny abdullah said...


Angah said...

semoga Allah sentiasa melindungi Palestine dan orang-orang yang sayang pada palestine...

Mr feckry said...

ya Allah , berilah kemenangan pada Islam

Ashirah Ibrahim said...

Subhanallah..insyaallah kak..Allah telah memilih akak..Semoga usaha kita untuk menegakkan agamanya di redhai Allah..

Hidayah Surea said...

jom buat project indie video! we spread the words, "Israel is the real terrorist". Not only for Islam, also for humanity. So that, we can attract non-muslim to fight. And of course, kita niat kerana Allah.

-random idea,

m a r i s s a said...

*nanges* tak sampai hati.. camne nk join jd volunteer ek?
keep it up! my support is always with u n or Palestine!

anna hashim said...

hai maria, last 2 weeks prof hafidzi ni pun ada bagi ceramah kat opis i..
kat opis i mmg tiap2 hr jumaat ada ceramah setiap pagi..sangat sedih kan?
sampai saya menangis masa tgk video yg prof pasang utk tontonan kami semua..
alangkah bagusnya kita hidup di malaysia ni..aman damai..
sama2 lah kita umat islam bersatu utk menentang zionis..
mereka disana sudah sangat tersiksa..ya allah, semoga semua ini berakhir,selamtakanlah umat2 islam disana..amin..

Raihana said...

sis sekarang nie bukan palestine je yang kite kena tolong syria pun kita kena tolong..
tiap hari kena sembelih dan dibunuh oleh pemimpin dieorang sendiri.

Pray for them too..=(
sedih tengok video sembelih bunuh bagai...

✿INA AINAA✿ said...

terus berjuang wahai palestin!!! bersabarlah.. Allah akan membantu suatu hari nanti.. mari menegakkan Islam demi keadilan... Islam kuat!!! Alhamdulillah, im proud to be Islam

Anasyg said...

woah kak maria- shifted from d ordinary post now - insyaAllah with d prayers from worldwide Palestine will be free - amin

Unknown said...


cimöt said...

sesungguhnya, setiap sesuatu yg Allah turunkan itu ada hikmahnya..
semoga Allah senantiasa melindungi mereka di bawah lembayung Rahmat-Nya..

kita, buatlah yg termampu..paling kurang berdoa!

Aida Jelita said...


Mooniqueen said...

Hope 1 day I boleh jadi macam u jugak...

AmALiNa aFIqAh said...

subhanallah. keep istiqamah dear! jihadulfisabillah. besar pahalanya.

Allahuakbar ! said...

camne nak daftar jugak..i'm impress

NadyaBubble said...

Mari sama-sama berjihad :)

H A N said...


Unknown said...

Ya Allah selamatkan bumi ISLAM ni !Amin

nissa abidin said...

sesungguhnya islam itu selamat. marilah kita menyelamatkan umat islam...

Nurul Aqilah Jeffri said...

Assalamualaikum Kak Maria! :-) make sure your jihad because of Islam, not just for Palestine. So proud of you Kak Maria! :')

Unknown said...

bangsa zionis adalah bangsa yang patut dihapuskan.. InsyaAllah. Akan tiba satu hari nanti. Seperti dijanjikan Allah pada satu hari nanti, bangsa ini akan pupus dan diperangi oleh kesemua orang Islam yang bersatu menjadi 1. InsyaAllah. Masa tu akan tiba

JULYA said...

hye maria
assalamualaikum...sye just nk share ape yg sye nmpk dlm herbalife.if u xberminat skarang x ape.dlm herbalife ramai sgt ank2 muda sebaya maria even lg muda.dan dlm group sye majoriti Islam.ini link upline kami.sye sgt insipired dgn beliau.cuba bayangkan klu seluruh generasi muda kita ade attitude n pemikiran mcm beliau.dlm herbalife bkn wang yg kami more kpd mjadi better person.dan bg kami org Islam itu sendiri perlu menjadi kaya sbb lbih bnyak kita dpt memberi.sye tahu klu tanpa herbalife pn maria mmg mampu, sye hanya ingin berkongsi.assalamualaikum =)

لورنس said...

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