have you heard of SQS?
ok. SQS is "Silly Question Syndrome". (calling it silly instead of stupid coz stupid is too harsh. ihik!)
bet you never heard of that kan? well, me neither. i just created that now.
buahahahahaha!!! (buah + hahaha? interesting combo if i might say so. ok stop kerepek)
so recently, i went to watch a movie with my friend, Lynoy. imagine, we were in the cinema tu kan, kat luar toilet, when a lady called out my name. i turned to look at her, and i asked her "tengok movie ke?" sambil senyum.
we were in the cinema kot.. tengok apa lagi kan.. takkan gi shopping kot. takkan gi buat facial kot. takkan gi amik anak yang dah habis kelas tadika. kan kan kan!?!?!
i felt like giving myself the biggest facepalm in the world. nak borrow palm gorilla mana pastu tepuk muka i ni yang noob gila!! arrrgghhhh!!
faham tak itu feeling??!
pastu i jalan laju laju nak masuk our cinema hall coz i was too embarrassed.
before this i pernah cite ngan my mom about how a friend of mine asked me where i was going when my hand was already on the doorknob of a toilet. i was annoyed and amused la masa tu. =p padan muka kan. Allah SWT tu memang Maha Adil. bagi satu lesson kat i. hehehe!!
so lately i've been wondering why we ask silly questions sometimes. and the thing about SQS, is that you tend to ask the most obvious questions!
think about it! =p
for example, in my cinema case, i asked "tengok movie ke?" because i wanted to ask something out of courtesy and the first thing that popped in my mind was the fact that i wanted to watch a movie.
hence, SQS.
i have already witnessed several people with SQS; asking the most obvious questions only to find themselves being embarrassed for asking them. and now, i am proud to announce that, I, Maria Elena Sharapova Mercedes Mariana Mim Alif Waw Ya, is down with Silly Question Syndrome.
sekian terima kasih! where's my certificate or letter of acceptance?
anyway, i think it's common to be asking questions which you already know the answers to. sometimes we all do that because we just want to appear friendly, sopan santun, ramah tamah, comel lote, awesome shmawesome. maybe you think it's fake, but i think it's an effort.
an effort to be courteous (despite not being able to form a proper question before our mouth vomit it out..) ahak ahak ahak!
therefore, to those with SQS, don't feel bad or unintelligent! we're considered good because we put an effort, at least!
those who are victims of SQS's questions, don't think less of the former =) they're just trying! and probably overwhelmed by you sampai terSQS. patut rasa terharu kot! hehe!
eventhough i rasa malu and stuff, tapi syukur. i've learnt my lesson!
thank you Allah SWT for never stop giving us lessons in life =D
ps: lunch hour post!!
pps: can't wait for next week!!! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
ok. SQS is "Silly Question Syndrome". (calling it silly instead of stupid coz stupid is too harsh. ihik!)
bet you never heard of that kan? well, me neither. i just created that now.
buahahahahaha!!! (buah + hahaha? interesting combo if i might say so. ok stop kerepek)
so recently, i went to watch a movie with my friend, Lynoy. imagine, we were in the cinema tu kan, kat luar toilet, when a lady called out my name. i turned to look at her, and i asked her "tengok movie ke?" sambil senyum.
we were in the cinema kot.. tengok apa lagi kan.. takkan gi shopping kot. takkan gi buat facial kot. takkan gi amik anak yang dah habis kelas tadika. kan kan kan!?!?!
i felt like giving myself the biggest facepalm in the world. nak borrow palm gorilla mana pastu tepuk muka i ni yang noob gila!! arrrgghhhh!!
faham tak itu feeling??!
pastu i jalan laju laju nak masuk our cinema hall coz i was too embarrassed.
nice one mars, nice one.
before this i pernah cite ngan my mom about how a friend of mine asked me where i was going when my hand was already on the doorknob of a toilet. i was annoyed and amused la masa tu. =p padan muka kan. Allah SWT tu memang Maha Adil. bagi satu lesson kat i. hehehe!!
so lately i've been wondering why we ask silly questions sometimes. and the thing about SQS, is that you tend to ask the most obvious questions!
think about it! =p
for example, in my cinema case, i asked "tengok movie ke?" because i wanted to ask something out of courtesy and the first thing that popped in my mind was the fact that i wanted to watch a movie.
hence, SQS.
i have already witnessed several people with SQS; asking the most obvious questions only to find themselves being embarrassed for asking them. and now, i am proud to announce that, I, Maria Elena Sharapova Mercedes Mariana Mim Alif Waw Ya, is down with Silly Question Syndrome.
sekian terima kasih! where's my certificate or letter of acceptance?
anyway, i think it's common to be asking questions which you already know the answers to. sometimes we all do that because we just want to appear friendly, sopan santun, ramah tamah, comel lote, awesome shmawesome. maybe you think it's fake, but i think it's an effort.
an effort to be courteous (despite not being able to form a proper question before our mouth vomit it out..) ahak ahak ahak!
therefore, to those with SQS, don't feel bad or unintelligent! we're considered good because we put an effort, at least!
those who are victims of SQS's questions, don't think less of the former =) they're just trying! and probably overwhelmed by you sampai terSQS. patut rasa terharu kot! hehe!
eventhough i rasa malu and stuff, tapi syukur. i've learnt my lesson!
thank you Allah SWT for never stop giving us lessons in life =D
ps: lunch hour post!!
pps: can't wait for next week!!! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
haha.. always happen :D
hahahaha...ieka tgh byng kn cm mne muke sis time tu..hikhik ^_^
orang melayu punye courtesy.. hehehe.
haha biasalah tu. normal.
Sis..hehhe gelak sesorg bace ...teringt ade member tanye kite tgh mkn mcm nie haa SQS dia Tgh makan ke?
kite wat muka butthurt + lol...kekekekhh
haha..slalu sgt mcm tu..
kdang naik geram..dah taw tnya lg..
tp kdang dri sdiri buat jgak..XD
rakyat malaysia yg peramah! yeeha
ok apa pertanyaan macam tu.. kira ramah tamah ar juga walaupun tak ngam kan.. hahahahahaha.. lucu ar
hahahahahhaha selalu mcm tukan
kita dah tahu org tue nak buat ape
tapi nak tanye jugakan...
nak buat mcm mne soalan tue yg terfikir
:) saya pun mcm tue juga :)
Hahaha normal things kotttt :)
ok..aku pun pernah Ter"SQS", ahaks ! :P *proud for the effort, thanks Maghia :)
biasa la tu. hehe
same goes to me sis !
for me, i tend to ask silly question bcuz i want to start a conversation... i mean, sometime it can be awkward when you dont expect you will meet your friends or relatives kat luar kn?.. it is more alike in the 'unexpected" situation lol
Ps: sorry for my bad eng though hehehe
Ada sekali masa belajar dulu, me and my housemate, kitaorg bangun lebih kurang at the same time, I awoke just a few minutes later than him. Then, the first question he asked me was 'Dah sarapan ker?'
In my mind, I was like 'Whattttttttt?????'
hehe..i pun slalu mcm tu..tanya silly question..hiks
hai sis,try tgk video "abunden" by jinnyboy tv dekat youtube.kinda the samething you mention in your post.. example: 'watching football aaaa, no lah watching twilight'..haha
Kak Maria. Kalau ada masa, Sudi-lah singgah Aqilah tau. Hee DONE follow Kak Maria :D
sys.. smlm nuru nonton on air... SQS ni mmg akn memalukan dri sendiri taw..one of the contestant on air tu, die boley pg tny si aidil zafuan macam ni ' lately ni awk ade terlibat dengan bola sepak kn?
terpikir jp aidil nk bls soalan tu ahahaha
my bf punya kawan lagi teruk kot die punya SQS. i think all the time die buat SQS, bf i pun naik menyampah gila bila die cite i gelak kaw kaw jd bahan ketawa plak..huhu..kesian kat die..
i'm always did that esp if no idea to start the conversation...hehe
I thought SQS is another software SPSS. Hehe.
SQS = in malay we called 'berbasa-basi' kan?
nasi kat depan , and then datang member tanya ' tengah makan ke ? '
sos :)
at least they make an effort! that's the most important. :)
it's always happen to me and I always get scold by my bf because of SQS. -.-'....
I think he should read this. =P
the appropriate response for such situations is, "Aborthen?".
hahaha... macam kenal je chancellor hall tuh :p
hahhaha..kekadang penah taye soklan BODO kt org jgk..dan org pun pena taye kat kite gak..hahhaha..btw,sila2 lah singah kat blog sy ea...http://ceriazaitul.blogspot.com/
http://ceriazaitul.blogspot.com/ sila singgah..n comment2 ek..XOXO
hehe. i am d one who having that syndrome. but yes, i truly agree with u sis. we put an effort to build our relationship with others. at least they willingly to answer our question even they know we might know the answer. hehehehe. sooo silly ! thanks for your sharing :) SQS eh? i will remember it, hehehe
Maria Maria Maria Maria Elena.
haha. saya pon slalu mcm tu. and i dont mind kalo ada org tanya soalan macam tu. dulu rasa macam annoyed jugak. tapi bila fikir2 balik, rasa tak kesah pun sebab dorang just nak bertegur sapa. dalam kepala tak tahu nak cakap or tanya apa, so they just tanya soalan yang dorang sendiri dah tahu jawapan. even diri saya sendiri pon macam tu. so xde la nak annoyed sngt. lain la kalo yg bertnya tu si kepochi. heee
biasa lah SQS ni..
ia akan muncul bila dah nerves n unexpected TER jumpa sum1..
n dat is gud effort but kinda weird jugak kn..
tambah2 klo seseorg tuh terjumpa artis / sum1 popular..
ofkos dat situation will b happen. :)
slm dear maria, i'm dewi from indonesia, realy love read your post..^_^ hope we can strengthen our ukhuwah. oy i see you also sell clothes.. me too i'm selling chic one of a kind hijab from indonesia, with interesting ptrice and free shipping^_^ please do check our blog http://hijabbandung.blogspot.com/ thank you..
sgt cantik and very very nice, jgn lupe singgah Korean Fashion Online..tq
hehe....kdng2 mmg suke bertanya mcm 2....
no komen ttg en3...
tertarik dgn....buahahahahaha!!! (buah + hahaha? interesting combo if i might say so...WELL it sounds COOL...WATTABOUT MIAHAHAHa..MIAH+HAHAHA..=P
we tend to ask obvious question coz the obvious one always pop up into our mind first. am i rite?
ehehehe.. kalau tanye SQS, kne senyum kambeng takpe lagi. dapat plak kat member jenis bagi balek jawapan, saba je la..
tgk member berkemban nak pg blek air.
"eh, nak mandi?"
"takla, nak pegi jogging"
oh jubah hitam biru itu... ku terkenang..
Yessss!!! Exactly the same goes to me. But actually that obvious question tibe2 terkeluar drpd mulut. Whatado?
Teringat satu mase dahulu pegi kem,i was one of the participants. I was trying to be nice to others, sbb mmg xkenal pun dorang.
I start tanye die you sekolah agama _____ ke? Sedangkan i dah tau lmbang baju die tulis sekolah ape.
Then die fire i balik,xlah sekolah _______. I beli baju ni kat bundle.
I feel annoyed and left her. Sakit hati je mase tu =='
agreed with you..sometimes we do that because we have no idea to talk about or myabe to start a conversation with stranger...i guess so?
kahkahkah... mcm contoh tgok jiran sidai baju leh pulak tanya tengah sidai baju ke?? kihkihkih gaharu chendana sudah tahu tanya pula.... (homaii is this idiom correct?)
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