alhamdulillah the videos he shares are about Islam =)
this is one video he shared and to which i find interesting, is about the importance of intellectual humility in Islam and its teachings.
as mentioned in the video, just because you googled the translation of hadith or because you speak the arab language, that does not mean you know what you're talking about.
and just because you can quote a line or two from the Quran, that does not mean you're any better than other muslims .
to all haters, you should take a few pointers from this video.
modesty is not only shown by what you wear and how you act.
but with your knowledge too.
it is our responsibility to berdakwah, but it is not necessary to debate.
so chill k?
Selamat Berpuasa! =D
yeah kinda true. i have a fren dat wants to debate all the time mcm dye betol sgt. I mean,we share infos but jgn sampai berlagak mcm you actually right all the time. If you know something,shares. And if kawan you cakap you actually wrong,try to accep it.
haha. panjang gyla comment.
orang cakap ade otak tak. tu laa maksudnyee kann hahaa
it's true...kadang2,orang yang faham hadis n quran pn,still ada yg wat maksiat kat luar sana....
modesty is not only shown by what you wear and how you act.
but with your knowledge too.- it's so true !!^_^
betul tu...kadang2 ramai sangat orang bajat pandai...kadang2 yang suka main copy n paste je....nice maria!!
dakwah kena ada cara betul kan??bukan main attack je org.
yes, i agree that haters MUST learn something from that video.
humble is the key
thanks kak maria. sy patut share entry ini dgn someone. maybe boleh bagi die pengajaran. =)
I love listening to Nouman Ali Khan!
good vid. you should watch baba ali too.
Yeah, totally true Maria. Kita lg pandai sepatutnye lagi humble la kannnn ;))
Hi maria, my friend also shared a video by him about Islam n ego. u should watch that one too.. the explanation is really clear n its interesting.:)
wachaaaa! good vid maria:)
people happened to loveeeee letting people down and showing that they know everything. typical. screw them!
its our responsibility to berdakwah but its not necessary to gilak ini ayat!
kita punya blog pon dah macam islamic gak...well, environmental effect kot! =p
pretty amazing
but then again, i just despise people who assume that they're more pious than you just because they're hanging out with those pious people.
yanow... piousness does not learned/gained via osmosis... okay?
totally agreed. lagi banyak yang kita berjaya belajar, lagi banyak yang kita tidak tahu tentang ilmu Allah yang sangat luas.
be humble than we'll be able to open our heart for truth. insya Allah
haha soo true :)
im totally agree with u!
mashAllah! i like Bro Nouman a lot! not only is he young and has a lotta knowledge on islam, he knows what he's talking about and he speaks clearly.-which is SO important! :D thanks for sharing :)
nice post kak maria..thanks so much for sharing..:)
yeah that's true.sometimes people tend to use proof from al-quran and hadith as if they know what they are talking the end they look like a fool bragging on a fact that they actually didn't master at guys, dont use proof from those holy guidance kalo diri sendiri tak pernah nak amalkan apa yang disuruh.
I totally agree, brilliant post maria :)
salam Maria...sorry for that i prefer to appear to you as an anonymous as i am quite shy to the public... :) but i must ask, this thing kind of been bothering me for quite awhile... apart of me wanted to change to a better person... sometimes my heart tells me, "wear the hijab already! it's about time!" and sometimes i don't even feel like i'm ready.I was afraid that what if i decided to wear hijab one day, and what if.... I happen to not wear it again?... I'm afraid that im not fully ready... For now, im still trying to convince myself that God will open my heart to get close to Islam even more. that Allah would show me the way. So, what im trying to say is, i hope that you could share your hijab story. because trust me, you're one of the people whom inspired me.
subhanallah..we'r sharing d same boipren...!!! heheh.....nice tho...n true
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