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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Maria Potter pun boleeeehhhhhh

i don't think anyone really understands my love for Harry Potter.
yes, i'm 23+ years old.
yes, i'm a working person already.
yes, i'm not a child.
i know, i know.

but i grew up reading the books. i learnt English by reading the books. 
i grew to know that love between friends is just as important as love with our family.
i grew to understand the right things to do are not always the easiest.
i learnt about the power of will.
oh gosh.. banyak la sampai nak nangis kalau i write it all up! hehe!

so when i went to UK with my cousins, i had the amazing opportunity to go to HARRY POTTER'S LAST MOVIE PREMIERE! ok just the red carpet la. i didn't watch the movie then. ish. sabar la.

cuppa tea in Trafalgar Square anyone?
see this red/yellow scarfed person with pencil-eyeliner-ed scar on the forehead? well, it's my forehead, and that Gryffindor scarf, i knitted it myself. ohhh yeaaahhh. muahahaha!

see that sea of crowd? see their flags? we're fans from all over the world! =D
hoooo yeaaahhhhhh

 see that ginger-haired boy?
that's my bebeh Rupert Grint.
hooo yeaaaaahhhh

see that gorgeous pixie-haired bebeh?
that's my bebeh Emma Watson.
hoooooo yeaaaaahhhhh

see that blonde mamasita?
that's my hero (apart from Mama & Abah).
The Woman Who Changed My Life.
that's my bebeh, JK Rowling.
hoooooo yeaaaaaahhhhh

it was such an amazing experience!!

nevermind the number of smelly people pushing through trying to grab the Harry Potter casts that walked past us, nevermind the rain, cold and having to stand up for more than 6 hours, nevermind being surrounded by people who looked at us as if we're some crazy bunch of people without anything better to do.
never mind all that! 
because what matters to me is that Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Professor Dumbledore, Professor Snape, Voldemort and all the amazing people in Harry Potter books, were just one arm stretch away from me. can't have that anywhere else kan. =p

and what touched me the most, was this:
OLOLOLOOOO!!! sweet nya kau Rupert Grint and Emma Watson!
they were getting all emotional about the last movie and separating and stuff. i can understand la how that feels..
even i cried ok! hehe!

so that's me with my bebeh Daniel Radcliffe on the screen behind moi.
and yes, that is a vaseline lotion i was holding so dearly in my hand. 

now, i don't know if there were any other Malaysians in the crowd other than my cousins and myself, but i know, i'm one hardcore Harry Potter fan.

Sekian, terima kasih JK Rowling.
for my childhood.

ps: i am still wearing the HP band! teeheee!


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

oh shit!!!!!...bestnya!!!!!....omai!!!

Finn said...


fendi said...


J.Syazwana said...

ouh gila best !!!

NisaAdnan said...

DERMMMM! kak maghia pegi tak ajak. jom kita pegi sana lg skali. HHAHA

cik ery said...

ohh sangat seronok!!!!

Emmy Natiella said...

awww ! best gilaaa :D

Admiral Hafiz said...

perghhhh bestla dapat jumpa diorang!

Entry Terkini: Admiral Hafiz Dalam Majalah REMAJA Lagi - Edisi 15 Julai 2011?

Neyra Shazeyra said...


LUNA LANUN said...

wahhh best! serious!

Meh join segmen ni:

Hanis said...

bestnya.. sy pon suka harry potter jugak....

shafinaz (: said...

Pergh best ! jelesnyaaaaaaaaaa ;

fatien A. said...

laaa kak maghiaaa! you were there keeeee. cisss! jeles tau nyah hmmmppphh



Zaujah Miqdad said...

i cried tooo:(
the HP was super awesome.
and best sangat la kak maria dapat pergi sana!:)

Sayidah Nafisah Ruslan said...

untungla dapat jumpe harry potter~

dilakochan said...

Seronok nya dpt tgk dorang in real!
Gonna miss HP after this.

Tp ade kemungkinan anak HP, akan sambung babak HP lagi x? hmm

Aida Arisya said...

Phewwwww i'm jelesssss okeyyy..sekiannn..hahahha..but i'm appy dpt baca story u kat sana..beshh beshhh...

nurshaf said...

wo...JK Rowling,,,

Mohd Sazli Cikgu Autocad said...

ouhh soo0000 jelous!!! bestnyeeeee

Mr feckry said...

dah besar dah budak ni..

Azie Rashid said...

perghhh kak maria! best gilerr

aryu said...


Roslyza Adyla said...

baca tak pernah habis! ^^'

Apis Hilton said...

that is an awesome experience..I envy you Maria..haha :)

just azura! said...

oooh i pun sedih bila movie harry potter habis..oh kami takkan jumpa kamoo lagi..lihat aksi kamoo lagi..okay, maria, i jeles gile kat yeww...

Nabila Wahab said...

bestnya !! bestnya !! bestnya !!
diorang was super duper awesome oke..
oh rupert.. kaw ensem gler.. !

Yatt S. said...

ok. nak cakap satu perkataan je. jeles.

Oh, Lelakimu Istimewa !
Sibuk Jaga Hati Orang, Hati Sendiri Sumbat Dalam Tong Sampah

yuyu fatihah said...

~~bestnye...nk join gak...

Atiqah Wadiah said...


y i e n said...

untunglarrr~~~ hehe :)

Anonymous said...

alahhh...jelez melampau ni..huk2 :(

fadlisabri said...


najihahfara said...


s h e said...

huaaaaaaaaaa ronnnnn jelesnya T_T

K O R I E said...

wah. akak nt bawak blik ole-ole dri sna ok!

giler best kot. jumpa real!

Nurul Says said...

ok.. tanda di dahi tu mmg mengagumkan!!

anisfarhanah H said...

bestnya akak dapat jumpa diorang T___T

Anonymous said...

wowoooo. i pon tgk kat premiere class gak. tapi GSC je la kn. wuwwuuuu.

envy wif u. huhhh!:P

fatinSQUARE said...

hebatt !!!!

hanabanana said...

Imma hardcore fan of them tooooo!

Anonymous said...

aaah,kak maghia ohsemmm lah ;D

Turtleman said...

maria potter ha2 bako2 je :P

Anonymous said...

mesti best dpt jumpe dorg...heeeeeee

Cik tikah said...


Syaby said...


Kc Kasedah said...

maria, sama la. takde spe nak layan i nak tengok HP. katanya mcm budak2 :( damn!


Wau, Tak hachiikkkk! Nak jugak... Daniel Radcliffe was my ex-bf. *winkwinkwink

Syafiq Rosli said...

wah kemain jauh lg..hehe

reena said...

Oh myy..jelesnya! Dapat autograph depa tak?

ainondreamergirl♥ said...

jelesnyaaaaaaaa :DD

Nina Athirah said...

wooo!!jeles la!!! wish that saya salah seorg drpd crowd tuh !!

FaFaFa said...

tiz iz aweeesommmeee!!! :D

marshaPetrelli said...


Anonymous said...

I grow up with Harry Potter too. I was his age when the movie started. The books lagilah. Since I was darjah 3 rasanya. Can't believe now that I'm 18, dia pun dah besar jugak. Thank you JK Rowling for introducing Harry Potter to us :')

Anis Farhana said...

kalau ada duit memang nak pergi
tengok streaming pun meleleh-leleh air hidung semua TT

chaaa said...

wahh bestnyaa . nk ikut :D teheheee

suzialfredshin said...

owh dear, when can i meet them..haihhh :(
lucky u, its the final year of HP, and you can see them in live, furthermore it might be the last time for them to be together ..

James Dean said...

OMG. How lucky you are!! Jeles!! Have you watch it yet? ITS AWESOME!! PERFECT ENDING!

dayah said...

good experience. wawah..beruntung

man yusoef said...

wah! emma watson ku!!! tak aci lah maghia ni...maghia!!!

syafieyka_ff92 said...

wow!!best nyer..

gds said...

awesome experience kak maria. WOW

zuwaidah said...

i'm so jealous wokeyyyy...hehehehe

A said...

JEALOUS!!!!!! best gilaaaa :')

Bashtiah said...

Cool gila. Enuf said.

AliahLattif said...

hebat sangat!!!

Anonymous said...

omaigod jeles gilaaaa . kite pon harry potter's fan );

Unknown said...

Woah bestnye Maria dapat masuk dalam! Ain tak ambik wristband, hence I could just stand outside. But the atmosphere was amazing wasn't it? :D Harry Potter and TDH Part 2 Premiere

dayanaazhar:) said...

OMAIGOD. seriously laa jealous tahap dewa sekarang. hahaha YOUR BLOG is an inspiration kak maria. hahahaha. and you can knit too? AMAZING. simply amazing. hahahahah:P

Mcjust said...

seirously best kalau dpt pergi sana jugak. i jelessss!

dont worry maria i understand your love towards harry potter. i do!

cause i'm a hardcore fan of hp too! :D

Nazrul Ashraff said...

JK rowling is your inspiration but u r my inspire.. lalalala/.. #larikkk lepas tu langgar dinding

SnAfiah said...

waa sy pon sedih jugak kot T___T
yelah dorang dari kecik sampai besar.
together making the harry potter.
i'm one of their hardcore fan too;)
jelesnye, kak maria dapat tengok secara live!

TeQah Khaire said...

OMG ! u go there..
make me feel jealous babe (:

-farrah- said...


Aimi Rosli said...

wow, you're so lucky had a chance to go there (:

Unknown said...

OH MY ALLAH ! hebaaaaaaaad nyerrr !! *jelous :)

eightDesigns said...

omg maria jealousnyaa! bila nak balik malaysia ni?

Lya said...

jealous super duper tak terkata. ish.

cik violet said...

perghh..terkedu maria ad kat sane..

NurulAini said...

It was a great experience! Bestnya Kak Maria. *Sambil wat muka teruja cam gini. *_*

echasuzrin said...

Omg maria... super duper jealous!!!!

Ked said...

bestnyyyeeeeee!!!! nak jugaaaakkk kak maria!!!

Nadiah R. said...

kak maria ! dengkinyaaaa );

nadzirah said...

Hi i'm nadzirah, I'm 16. I am also a die - hard fan off Harry Potter :) Your post just now have really touched me. Thank you for being there ! Means a lot when I got to see the premiere even through your pictures :D

Insyirah. said...

Ahhh11!1! Omg im so jelly you know :(

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

JK rowling is one heck of an author. I loved every bit of her books, and the films couldn't be any better. lol my friends and I were sobbing in the cinema D; ah it's so sad that it has all come to an end! ..and like they all say.. "mischief managed" :')


Anonymous said...

wah best nye maria :)

Blog Eazy Izzuddin said...

pun boleh...

nurulHaizan dz said...

waloaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! nih buat i lagi ta sabaq na tgk HP nih!! na tgk na tgk na tgkk!!! yayayayaaa!!!

Unknown said...

fuyyoo fuyooo fuyooo!!!

nurul said...

awesome !!!!! i wish that i can be there :)

Hadiran Nibum said...

perghhhh!!!! saya sangat jelous

aiesya said...

super jealous pleaseee!!!!! nak jugakk!!!! i love everything about Harry Potter...gonna start reading the whole series again!! but last movie die mmg superb...

aiesya said...

super jealous pleaseee!!!!! nak jugakk!!!! i love everything about Harry Potter...gonna start reading the whole series again!! but last movie die mmg superb...

Lunia said...

no wayyyyyyyyyy thats awesome!!


i pun ske gler hp.. =D
tp xde la sampai dpt g sne...huhuu

gadis said...

kak maria, you are so lucky. I wish I was there too :'(

amrastory said...

seronok gyle !!!

.j.u.l.i.y.a.n.a. said...

ok.sumpah jeles.

Unknown said...

aaaaarrrrrgghhhhhhh!! Best gile..jeles ok..

i am big fan of harry potter jugak..

Jet said...

I love Harry Potter sooo much that I took a 2nd half day leave on Thursday just to watch Harry Potter 8D

It is heartbreaking to have such a brilliant series came to an end. Actually I felt that years ago when the last book came out T____T

There's a lot of memories with HP. The books contribute a hell lot in improving my English.

Nothing beats it.

Myra Abdullah said...


amira_hasrori said...

aaaa. nak jugaaak. tak aci. i LOVE harry potter!! wish i was there too. :(

Anonymous said...

hey..anak haryy potter tade ke???he's sooo muchhh kiutt then haryy okeh...anyway, i pon giler suke ngan HP!!!!

Unknown said...

omg ! how lucky you are . i wish i can go there :)

Suhana Samsudin said...

wah, bestnye..

nurnuha said...

salam..hye cool u dpt pergi the premiere! yeah..~ mmg sedih bile tau harry potter was the last episode already..kalau tak..itulah movie yg kite looking forward to nk tgk,like, almost every year..gila..dpd dorang kecik sampai besaw! anyways..great time u had to spent and see them live! awesome~

Ida said...

I am green with envy here bebeh! ;)

kedinkyst said...

Wuahhhhh jeles ni kak maria ! tskk tskk

Izzul Amir said...

fuyoooo !
nk ikot ~ :(

Izzul Amir said...

fuyoooo !
nk ikot ~ :(

Jαnnαhツ said...

bestnya dapat tengok the great trio in real life!! siyes jealous mealous kat mariaelena. saya pun kipas-susah-mati harry potter gak.


OMGGGG !! Kak Mariaaaa !! Bestnyaaa. I'm a hardcore Harry Potter fan too !! Can I ask you something ? What camera do you use ? Hee :)

Syazwan said...

first time commenting here. really damn jealous ;(

wanieadamfarah said...


Sr. Maryam Fatanah said...

gila jealous lah..!!! muahahah..and i love all your bebeh tu

Unknown said...


nurdhameeraaziz said...

damn. awesomeness explode!

wan said...

ok..i jeles ok..i pn tingin nak jumpa n peluk2 harry potter...

Yana Kama said...


Mamü Vies said...

No shame in that. I'm an adult fan of Harry Potter too! I was fourteen when I first read Philosopher's Stone.

ahhh... the good ol' days.

Nia said...

gasp! u are one lucky babe! u know that?

well, i'm 3 series this year, and that dont stop me frm being a fan!

Love hurt aeNnn said...

perghhh. bestnye..

AyaSofia said...

slm..kak maria, ya Allah, JELEZ giler babeng..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i grew up through Harry Potter gak kottttt....kak maria tau x, saya OBSES gler ngan Draco Malfoy n Snape....sgt obses! smpi pernah imagine yg saya msuk umah slytherin...gler x? gler x? haha...kak Maria xde pics Tom Felton n Alan Rickman ker?? klo ader plizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz tunjuk...plizzzzzzzzzzz....u r damn lucky! wsslm

Mel said...

And thats cool!!!

Shurazirah Sukhur said...


Aku By Pojie said...



shahrul said...

aarrrghhhh....damn cool laa,kak Maria..ade lebihan x mende oren kat tangan tuh?tejumpe kat atas jalan ke..meh la bwk blk,kite pon nak juge.haha.. :p

Anonymous said...

Maria Elena, this is ahhh-mazing! Nice one!

echa takashimaya said...

maria potter!oh that one is ohsemmm!haha.

Zharif Azis said...

gigih nya maria . sampai perg sana . omjayy ini tersangat ohsem =D

Anonymous said...

ohh-emmm-jayyy :O

Maria Elena Zarul said...

alamak, sorry to those yang jealous =p
but it wasnt easy!!!
had to camp out there for 3 days! and at night, it rained and it was soooo cold!! unbearable to our malaysian skin, i hate to admit..
luckily ada tourism malaysia office nearby and they let us bunk in when the weather got so bad..

i swear, it wasnt easy. but heck, it was worth it =D

Miera Aziz said...

This is so amazing! :D

Even tak tgk Harry Potter tp suka tgk three of them!

Azza Azman said...

Huhu nasib baik tourism malaysia dekat gila depan trafalgar Square hehehe.

Diorang tak buat kat O2 ye kali ni? ala tengok lah jap kat O2 mesti best. Naik underground berenti kat Greenwich rasenya. Eh lupa dah..

LaLaLovy said...

it's so memorable kan? seriously, i cried because there's no more harry potter. you so lucky girl. ok, sedih...

Sue Anna Joe said...

Oh my, dekat gila you dengan Emma Watson! Argghh.

Anonymous said...

seriousss gempak laa arr g luar negara dpt tgk artis mcm harry tuh...ayakkk...

Unknown said...

oh my goodness.this is really something!jealous nya!wish i could be there too.huhu.anyway, emma did look a old.she's all grown up after all.hehe.again,BEST NYA! :D

Cik Puan Tim said...

seronoknyer ^_^

..:: WiRdA ::.. said...

omg! best giler ok.. ok u're of bout me, 29, mom, biggest fan of HP too..hahahha menangis tgk hp last movie.. oh tgk gambar emma nangis pun jadi sedih disini..i feel you~~~bahaha

A's said...

woww! untungnyeee..jeles jeles :)

Syahir Ramli said...

hebtnye! klo i dpt jmpe emma pon dh ok dh...she's hot!

nurar86 said...

omg. u r so lucky 2 b thre!!! wish i was... im a big fan too! ^^

pink said...


Muntos said...

ya allah bes gila you!! ya i understand sangat sangat macamne you rase! :')

AwanFitzsimmons said...

OMJaayyyy ! seriously ?? geez, it's super duper awesome seeing you and your cousins having fun there *am soo jealous, haha, but it was too great is it ? yalah, it's one in a lifetime kan, siapa tak menangis macamtu, overall this blogg is one of my faviee <3

.miradila. said...



kirim slm kt voldemort yerk kak?hee

Unknown said...

premiere screening? great!!

Unknown said...

oh my god, i was there tooo. cam semnagat gila beratur 5 jam for the wristband and waited under the rain for the red carpet. rupert was so damn hotttt...!

tyra sopian said...

OMGeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! bestnyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

MashesZ said...

kak maria !
i'm soo agreeing with evrythin u say in this post. i'm also a fan of harry potter. in fact, i'm a die hard fan. but somehow.. some of my friends just dnt understand how harry potter gave a big impact in my life. i've been goin thru my childhood days with harry potter by my side.. i learnt many things from it.. like wht u've said in ur post. (i even learnt the spells ! xD) so yeahh. it's nice to know tht u like/love HP too ! :) long love HP !

p/s : im sooo jealous coz u got to see them with ur own eyes. coz seeing/meeting with the casts is like my dream. :) hope i can meet/see them one day.

MashesZ said...

ohh and by the way.. which character's ur fav? mine is hermione... and harry... and ron... and all... haha but i like the 3 of them the most. xD

Anonymous said...


Keretapi said...


ya allah you can not imagine how jealous i am i right now! i'm a devoted potterhead since forever and until the very end and i discover there's a malaysian at the premiere and i was only watching it live on the internet...

JELES. you're so lucky! if i were you i wouldn't be able to blog. i would just type "NYAAAAAAAH" to show my excitement matches Voldy's rage.

k cek my blog yang full of potter stuffs hehe

ahmadhiSyam said...

Entri ni saya pilih untuk Entri Menarik Bulan Ini #1

Happy blogging!



Orked said...

ekk !! am so jealous with you kak Maghia . i addict gila dengan HP . tak pernah miss tengok filem dorg , and buku juga . sedih filem HP dah habis . jealousnya , dapat tengok secara live tu hokeh .

Mira Amirudin said...

amazzzzzing! ;)

Zulaiqha Zulkifli said...

Maveless...serius best and make me jelesyy..hehe...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Kairin said...

jeleznya, nk pgi jgak...

Lola MK said...

and i actually cried too bile tgk pic emma watson and rupert grint crying..gonna miss them. ;)

nzard said...

OMG, JELEZNYA!!!! (hai saya pembaca baru blog peliks ini!) KELES KAW MARIA!!! *menangis air mata darah

unknown said...

Oma! Bestnya!!!! Waaa... pandai gila akak buat Gryffindor scarf. Jeleznya...

Diorg mesti sedih sbb Harry Potter dah habis dah. Cerita tulah yang da best!

Puan Yaanie said...

getting jealous heree kak maria :D

Lula An-Nada said...

what? aku pun salah satu big fan harry potter.....huhuhu jelesnya.....

Hayati said...

waaaaaaaaaa! bestnyee.. jeles laah.. draco malfoy xdak eh?? haha~

Langit Tinggi said...

me too

Siti Hafsah said...

omg you're so lucky Kak Maria I'm so-gonna be jealous with u omg haha lol

Farah said...

Bestnya! I'm a big fan of Harry Potter too.

Unknown said...

I LOVE Harry Potter, and also have the Lego set!! :D I recently made a review on Harry Potter as well! :)

zoe sugg in harry potter

Unknown said...

Kak Maaarriaaa!! untungnya dpt pergi.. wahhh!! bestnya :DDDD

Aishah Atiqah said...

Ohh emmmmmmm geeeeeeeeeeee ! Best gila Kak Maria dapat pegi . Wow wow ! Akak ! bestnya ! Bestnya ! Wee. sya peminat tegar harry potter tauu tak . mmg tak lepas movie ngan novel die

Fitri Reza said...

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