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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Who wins?

Lahai, HAI!

Salam all!

i have been on video hiatus for a while now. i mean, i haven't rambled la kan. the last video i made yang pasal Assalamualaikum kalau tak jawab dosa kalau jawab sayang (which already have a facebook page, HERE, which i DID NOT create, but it's awesome! hehehe!!), pun i buat sememeh sememeh hingus meleleh selekeh melekeh because i did it out of pressure.

so this time around i took my time making this video. about a month juga ada~~ hahahahaha!
issue simple je.
about comparing.
why? because comparing ni, secara tak langsung involves ego.
and in some unfortunate situations, it will lead into an argument. kalau tak pun, someone will feel tak puas hati. know what i mean?
while sharing your stories is good and all, we should try not to potong line orang yang nak bercerita, and cakap as if we had it better or worse.
tak best kot bila nak cite, then someone potong line, then you lupa where your story got cut off. kaaaaannnnn?
this takes off people's credibility of being 'a good listener'. so takyah bajet 'i'm a good listener' when you only want to be heard. =p

apa apa pun, gemuk ke kurus, miskin atau kaya, cantik atau kurang cantik,
bersyukur la wei.
at least we can see, we can smell, taste, touch, walk, talk, laugh, and soooo much moreeeee!!
that's why we're gifted! =D

aiseyman, kat sini bebel, kat video pun bebel.
hehee! sorry ya!

so ini video nya~


so yeahh, hope this benefits you!! =D

for both vlogging and blogging
salam =)

1. Cik Wanilovela made a post response to this video! thank you dear!! check it out HERE!
2. Andyhowtt made a video response to "Guess What?"! hehehee!! watch it HERE!!
3. Holaulala made a post response. thank you for sharing bebeh! check it check it HERE!


Eliza Sulaiman said...


diyanah dzai said...

betul, sometimes kita lupa nak bersyukur =)

ohhh, gambar tu lawa ! =)

Nurafizah Che Ap said...

maria elena gojes. hehe

Atika Farha said...

Maria Elena! Can i be like you? :'(

nadiaazira said...

sangat cool lah this video...
plus i learn something...bersyukurlah apa yang kita ada...noneed to compare with others... =)

Yuyu said...

Maria,you sangat gojes!!!ahaha..awal2 lg I da like ur pic..:)

syahassan said...

bebel la kat video ke..kat entri ke.. gua ttp suke kamo lah maria.. :))))

yayamongekss said...

u r the best among the best my dear sister maria elena... love ur english..!! wanna be like u..!!!

Mimie Kamisah Wahed said...

Gosh!! i suke giler!! :)

Shurazirah Sukhur said...

it's nice!i learned something from it..thanks for the video

p/s:you look gorgeous with different style..i loikee!!:D

Didiey Fadhilah. said...

gawd, suka gila! Suka gila gila! :P

Nizam Ijam said...

wahhh.... gerun tengok pic last...hehehee

jemput maria join segmen saya :) mesti banyak cerita nak ceritakan:)
”Nizam Ijam-Segmen Tempat Menarik di Kawasan Anda”

Sesopie said...

Maria the best! ;)

mushroom said...

macam fatin liyana.. huhukk.. nice la :D

anis zul said...

maria alena punye talk mmg fun n full of moral value!vote maria elena!

DANASH said...

best vdeo...r u really wanna vdeo response ?..i'll try..hahahaaa

fifanadz said...

waalaikumsalam. wow kak maria panjangnya videoo . tapi best :)

Aimi Bahari said...

mmg betul kite spatutnya kne bsyukur apa yg kite ada. xperlu nak banding kan kite dgn org lain. apa yg Allah bg kne bsyukur. hee. suke sgt kat kak mariaa! mwahh mwahhh! haha. =P

btw, waalaikumusalam. sy syg kak maria! hehe

Mumystrawberry said...

love u kak maria

Syamimi Fatin said...

bgus msg dri video tu. and pics are awesome la, sis! ^_^

y i e n said...

slalu jumpe situation like 2nd examples u show ... mmg annoying gile, n i'm always stuck between them, kene dgr 2-2 belah babbling, haha!

mimmarazaq said...


fadila anindeta said...

totally agree with you,, love your blog and all your videos maria,, *hugs*

Nisa_Hardzir said...

maria emmm ggg *gaya kamo slalu bt..ehehe

sempoi :)

Aleen Afifi said...

wow video tuh best giler kot...

syok ah tgk...

ade betoi nye jgk apa yg u sampai kan dlm video tuh...setuju sgt...

ok salam...klu xjwp dose, klu jawap sayang...ekekekek

Jαnnαhツ do not dwell on the past (hazan) and never worry about the future (hamm) - just concentrate on the present moment and be happy! said...

alahai, cantiknya gambar yg cekik leher tu. siyes cantik. solekan pun macam okay la, x tebal sangat. u look awesome la.... thumbs up!

Cik Bunga Natasha said...

Hi, salam. Kak, i hope u dont mind me writing about u in my blog. A few only, just so u know :)

Syazana Justme said...

salam..hai maria..love3 ur videos..good moral values..Hope populasi org2 mcm tu dpt dikurangkan after watching this video..=)

Hidayah Sapidih said...


Sue Izza said...

hai maria...i always be ur silent readers but today i nak komen...sometime i look u so cute la...cubit pipi kang...heeeee.......

Duyong said...

I totally agree...Like u said at least we can touch, taste, smell n so much more..ALHAMDULILLAH! Girl u awesome! ^__^''

AimanAriffin said...

OMG u r so funny! (in a good way of course) I can't stop myself from laughing while watching you vlog. What can I say? Extremely ah-some!

Btw, living in this world of technology(FACEBOOK!) we are always being bombarded by images of people having better life than us, having happier life and what not. You'll feel envious and what not, and like u said, so unhealthy at all!

So the best way is to be blessed with what u have and should feel happy for those people instead.

Love reading your post :D

Yatt S. said...

cekik2 leher pun, tetaplah gorgeous!
dah vote pun ;)

ah and awesome video. please make more...

btw, wanna share something

Jom buat syampu sendiri, hindari dari bahaya bahan pengawet dan bahan kimia. Go for natural !

shazatul shifaa zulaikha zulkifli said...

alhamdulillah syukur nikmat kepada Tuhan yg memberi rahmat .

mari menyanyi beramai ramai di hari raya :D


haha..inilah realiti

apa Otak nak kate said...

ehehe,,dh like tnde support,,
so..gud luck ye,,btw,,picca tuh sgtt style,,xdek la mncekik sgtt :)

Kaki Wayang said...

Nice blog..nice post..nice commentators..all nice..

HambaYangHina said...

salam. wah, femes la awak nih, salam perkenalan saya budak baru belajar blog. follow blog saya yang hina okeyh.

sya rossa said...

leh jadi pelakon nih! hehe.awesome!


the photo for project x tu sgt awesome:))

Unknown said...

saya sayang kak maria yang tak lekang video2nya dari memberi peringatan2 human nature :P

Allah tolong berkati beliau :)

Ryan Ervan said...

macam biasa Kak Maria, best video! Suke sangat and kelakar of course! i like ur style,sempoi and chillex. Also good messages there.. Be thankful yaw!!

Anonymous said...


daisy said...

How true?!

I suppose its ingrained in our culture to be proud about certain achievements in life but sometimes, it may comes across as an act of boasting.

Hence, communication skills and common sense are equally vital.

The grass always looks greener on the other side but as you pointed out, rezki Allah bagi in different means. Hence, its always wise to say 'Masya Allah' whenever good things happen to other people. You don't really want to jinx them.

Unknown said...

That last pic is at OU is it?
KIA car show? cos I think I bump on u that morning

Unknown said...

: heyya . for this time vlog is quite meaningful though cause me myself also like to compare with others . but i'm not tend to win in a conversation .

when i have a conversation with my friends , we more looks like in situation 1st which is who are the worst one . HAHA ! but when i'm facing in situation 2 , its better to be silent .

btw babe , i realize that u like to put some pictures with dialogues on ur blog , so why not u join this contest . =)

Raja Nabila said...

awesome :)

FaraLavida said...

sumpah gojes kot gamba tuh. xnmpak pelik pon cz stgah contestnt nmpak laen mcm jek. lol!

Syafiq Rosli said...

hehe..owh MARIA HELENa..that's awesome vdeo lol..hehe ur example make me laugh..but full of meaning..:)

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA. love it maria !


love3...u superb!..haha

ahmad endo said...

mana ada lain....2 thumbs up aku beri...aku dah vote kalo ko kalah aku tak puas ati...hahaha

Anonymous said...


dear ME,
i ada cilok gmbar u dr fb. sorry tau

i adore u la sis !

sorry kalau u ta suka entri bad

Kaio said...

haha. giler ah. i subscribed u masa tgk video pasal 2nd driver and karaoke tu. cool seyh. ahah. now im doing vlog also. but not as good as u are. keep it up girl!

Awan Network said...

Maria Elena = CUN!!!All the best

Jom Tengok :

Emily Comel said...

this vid really deep. I liked it from the beginning till the end. Hi Maria. u remember me x? i bumped into you @ the curve last sat. u shoping dgn dato u. i dgn son i.

luv ur blog.klu sudi follow blog saya. maria nie mmg cantek. face 2 face sgt cute..

Unknown said...

gorgeus :)

Aishah Malik said...

loves this!! (^_^)

Mira said...

I totally agree with you! It actually happens all the time kot. Especially yang compare2 course tu. I mean come on lah, hello? Takde course yang senang kot kat dunia nie kalau tak, takyah gi sekolah belaja. Ada sorg member ngan selambanya "Ala, ko medic just baca bulat2 dari buku tak payah pikir. Hafal jek semua dah boleh exam tadaaa".

Boleh takkkk? -__-" And she's taking arts & literature. I selamba jawab ha'ah senang gila selalu dapat 4 flat!

And no, of course la that's not true! Hahaha

Anonymous said...

ouh kak maghia! anda amat kacak ! :)

iKhRam said...

cara mencekik yg psling sopan !! huhuhu..

Blog said...'ve got talent, girl... :D

middle name complicated said...

"eh, you tau tak?"

me: tak. *straight face*


Farah said...

Maria dear, I'm interested to advertise with your blog, but couldn't find your email address :) May I please know your email address dear, so that I can make you an offer? Thanks Maria :))

Amirah Marliza said...

haha! i like that video. Memang betul la tu. Selalu jadi macam tu bila jmpe kawan2. Semua sibuk nak tnjukkan yg dia lah segala-galanya. bila fikir balik macam kelakar pon ade, tak matang pon ade. haha! btw, nice video.

here i want to share something. lebih kurang jugak macam video tu. hope u like:)

Bercakapdengankaki (BDK) said...

gerek seyh anda!suka!! ^^

Izyan Masri said...


Dilakhilal said...

adore u.! hahhaha. hi bloggers.!

Sarah Khan said...

salam maria ;)

new blogger here.

hahaha u're funny!

all the best k on project x thingy.

roeza said...

loike d video!!!~

harani said...

u look great without makeup and with them- absolutely gorgeous!

rara said...


myza said...

org mcm tu slalu nak menunjuk la dia lebeyh baguss..
hehe btw maria u r so cute
kadang2 with ur british accent dah mcm pelakon That's so Raven a.k.a Symone!

Nurliana said...

nice vlog . i lioke (:

myra said...

Hi.ur video made my day! Thanks!

p/s: i read someone's blog(i forgot who) and she said u r hilarious and fun. she was right.


looking foward for more fun n funny videos from u!

syarinaelissa said...

Assalamualaikum. I recently had a fight with my bestfriend because we both like to compare our lives and neither wants to 'lose' and now we've lost our friendship and haven't been talking for months. But watching your video made me realize that comparing is not good and it's time to make ends meet. Thank you Maria Elena :}